You Are Not the Only One in the Boat; I Have Failed Several Times Before!

You Are Not the Only One in the Boat; I Have Failed Several Times Before!


You are not your mistakes, and they do not define you. You are not your past, and it doesn’t dictate who you are. You may not believe me, but it’s true—you are not what other people say you are. Other people’s opinions should not shape your experience.


The truth is, every time you dwell on the past, you lose focus on the future. Should I tell you that every pain, sorrow, or negative experience you’ve had in the past was part of the process to build your resilience?


As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. Don’t waste your experiences, and don’t ignore the pain. It’s okay to try things that didn’t work out so you can discover what will work in your favor.


You might say, “Coach Jane Austin, you don’t understand, I’ve been through a lot.” Yes, I do. He abandoned you, broke your heart, betrayed you. The marriage didn’t work out, they doctor said you can’t have babies, you where abuse as a child.


The engagement failed. You were duped or accused. No one believed in you. You are financially broke, or maybe even broken physically and emotionally. Nothing seems to work out.


My dear, you are not alone. I remember waking up from sleep, cursing myself, and calling myself foolish names. I thought I was a burden to society. I lost my joy. Only negative thoughts filled my mind. I couldn’t see beyond my problems. I thought others were lucky, while I was a failure. My life was spiraling downward, even though I had been redeemed by the Lord.


Do you know why I was feeling that way? I was experiencing what I call 360° challenges. My spiritual life was down, emotionally I was broken, financially drained, and relationally I was experiencing winter in my marriage. My self-image and development were nonexistent. Childhood dysfunction and other life problems affected me so much that I couldn’t put my thoughts on paper for about 12 years. My life was at a standstill. I held onto my weaknesses, pain, and failures in life, business, and relationships for so long. Before I realized what was happening, I was already 35 years old.


How did I navigate that season? Understanding my place in God and meditating on His Word gave me light. Gradually, I began to speak and think myself back to shape the same way I had spoken and thought myself out of it.


Dear friend, Satan can only occupy your life to the degree you allow him. One thing about Satan is that he is an intruder. If you leave the gate open, he will take over your living room, your bedroom, and eventually throw you out of your inheritance. Your life will become worse. The truth of the matter is that you can unstuck and evolve into the best version of yourself.


Are you experiencing the things I mentioned above? You need a mentor to help you navigate your winter season. God has helped me overcome that phase, and I’ve helped many women like you overcome setbacks and regain self-confidence.


I’d be glad to help you on your journey. Chat with me to get started!




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