Women's Alive Network

About Women Alive Network

It pains me each time I see women oppressed, abused, and mistreated. I feel very bad when I see women wandering in ignorance of their identity and worth. I feel bad when a woman sacrifices her life and ministry for a pot of soup and the bedroom. I have come, as it is written of me, to awaken the minds of the end-time Deborahs to kingdom possibilities. Women Alive Network is a community of like-minded women and visionaries who want to heal, become unstuck, and grow from zero to hero in their lives.

Our Services

Mental Development

We believe that the rise of a woman is the rise of a nation, and an empowered woman is an empowered nation. We understand the power of information and know that no one can go beyond what they know. Hence, one of the things we do is to mentally equip women by holding monthly programs to educate them to rise beyond their imagination.

Spiritual Development

Prayer is one of the key services we render in our community. Show me a praying woman, and I will show you a winning woman. Since our vision is to awaken the sleeping Deborahs, prayer has become the key tool in our community for revival.

Physical Development

We understand the importance of balance. Our vision is to awaken the sleeping Deborahs to achieve a 360-degree balance, be a complete end-time army, and maintain all-around success. We greatly raise awareness in the areas of spiritual growth, mental transformation, health, finance, marriage and relationships, and self-care. Through our various programs, we have helped women over the years to strike a balance between ministry and the home front.

Financial Development

One of the many things the end-time Deborah requires is her "palm tree of Deborah." We understand that having your own source of income will help keep you focused on what God has placed in your hands. Idleness is so frustrating, and you may lose your soul being an idle woman. Women Alive Network offers avenues where women are taught how to make and manage their finances.

Our Core values

Our Various Departments

  • WAN Official:

    Where we hold our general global meeting.

  • WAN Families:

    Where we give close spiritual mentorship and network with each other on a close level.

  • WAN Female Ministers Group:

    Where we equip and inspire the e female ministers to build spiritual and mental capacity to enable them become relevant in the Kingdom and in the market place.

  • WAN Singles:

    Where we teach ladies how to become relevant in the market place and how to build stronger relationships.

Join my inner Circle...

We believe in the power of mentorship to uplift, inspire, and guide women and teens toward achieving their full potential and in providing support to the less privileged. Learn more about the Jane Austin Foundation. Initiative

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