Rediscovering the Power of Womanhood


You are designed to be above only and not beneath. *Rediscovering the Power of Womanhood* reveals biblical principles that will help you lift your head with dignity, conquer inferiority complexes, and face life with great enthusiasm.

Get a copy, and you will never regret it.

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Have you ever felt inadequate, lost, or left out? Have you ever wished you were never even born? Well, you are not alone. This book is written to address the identity crisis many women face.

As a woman, you are not a random entity in the grand scheme of creation. Your design is intentional, reflecting the unique touch of the Creator.

Many women have allowed others’ opinions to define them. You hear them saying things like, “I’m not enough,” “I’m looking older than my age,” “I’m poor,” or “I’m no good.”

Never allow anyone to make you feel less because you are a woman. Your intelligence, strength, and capabilities are not to be demeaned.

Often, as women, we allow societal norms to define us, and negative experiences shape our reality. Rarely do we search our divine manuscript to understand why we are here on earth in the first place.

Genesis 2:21-23 paints a vivid picture of God crafting woman from the rib of man. This act signifies a connection so deep and inseparable. You are not an isolated entity.

The good news is that I trust God you will find the answers you have been searching for. Dear friend, this book will stir you up, help you discover what the enemy doesn’t want you to know about your worth, and inspire you to pursue greatness and unlock your full potential.

You are designed to be above only and not beneath. *Rediscovering the Power of Womanhood* reveals biblical principles that will help you lift your head with dignity, conquer inferiority complexes, and face life with great enthusiasm.

Get a copy, and you will never regret it.


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